Halle 8.1 | Stand 117

Über GauVendi

GauVendi is an AI-powered, end-to-end sales system that spans from design to booking, helping accommodation providers boost revenues, automate reservation processes and improve guest ratings. 

With GauVendi, you can design, price, present, distribute and promote stay experiences using a dynamic, feature-based inventory product structure for intelligent differentiation and innovative automation.

 Products include

  • an Internet Sales Engine, which enables hyper-personalization, attribute-based selling and replaces traditional booking engines
  • Inventi-Flow, an AI-based inventory Tetris player for intelligent room assignments and maximum time savings
  • the Sales Optimizer for reducing overbookings of categories and split stays,
  • a feature-based Revenue Engine
  • Flexi-Channel for connecting partner channel managers to enable differentiated distribution with a "Direct First" strategy
  • Business Intelligence for analyzing purchasing behavior and gaining new insights about the property.

Hier geht's zur Website



Markus Müller
Managing Director I GauVendi

Phone: +49 17774784206
E-mail: markus@gauvendi.com

Hier geht's zu Markus' LinkedIn.

Carina Stegmayer
Co-Founder I GauVendi

Phone: +49 172 6662416
E-mail: carina@gauvendi.com

Hier geht's zu Carinas LinkedIn.

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